You go to a houseparty and theres a girl there you know from high school and college. She looks pissed like shes been having a lousty night and expresses her displeasure in you being there as soon as she sees you. The two if you had a falling out in high school that you barely remember, as at one point you were friends, but you always rememebred her as a bit of a bully overall to yourself and others. Anyways you apologize for the incident and you both decide its water under the bridge, and she divulges in her shitty nights reasonsings, being her newly ex boyfriend being a dick! Out of nowhere she suggest you fuck, saying she needs to get the taste if shitty ex out of your mouth, and you don't take much convincing to find a back room and let her ride your cock while she lightly bullys you until you both orgasm so loudly that the whole house party probably heard!
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