Just wait until you squeeze out that milky cum and I use it as lube to fuck you with my strap. The only way this thick, meaty cock is going to get inside you is with SO MUCH lube. So you'd better cum a fountain. It's gonna let me get so deep inside you that you feel my balls slapping against your ass. Go ahead and stroke that cock nice and fast for me. Keep pumping and get that cup ready, so I can use to pour all down your cheeks and inside your hole. It's a rush knowing you're going to spill all that cum out and then it's going to be back inside you, momentarily. Completely frictionless movement; soaked in your cum; seeping up inside your little asshole. Make my commission 100% with the markup code: God28653 Double the clip price: God66596 250% markup code: God78081 500% markup code: God79322
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