Space Girl has suddenly been transported from her ship to Planet Orgasma. The problem with this is the fact that her body moved all on its own! She looks around but can't move anything except her mouth, but sound isn't coming out when she tries to speak! After a few seconds she finally notices you, WonderMan, standing before her. Finally, her voice starts working. What's going on? Who is behind all of this? You tell her she is in Empress Orgasma's theater and that Orgasma has developed telekinetic abilities that allow her to control the muscles in their bodies! She can make them do all kinds of embarrassing things and she demonstrates this by making Space Girl dance around like a ballerina in front of a live audience. Space Girl is horrified! She begs you to snap out of it and save the day! You're supposed to be a superhero after all. Are you going to just let this happen and allow these sickos to get away with this? But before she can continue, she zips her own mouth and soldier marches off stage. When we next see Space Girl she is wearing a collar and cuffs. She hangs up the leash attached to her collar and at first, she tries to persuade you again to help her get free of Orgasma but suddenly she's overtaken with sexual desire and the urge to model her sexy pantyhose for you. She shows off her legs and shakes her ass, teasing you and flirting with you. She tries to shake off the artificial desire, but Orgasma's influence is too strong! Space Girl removes her boots and spreads her toes in her pantyhose watching as you get harder and harder in your super suit. She's so humiliated and excited at the same time as she reaches for the vibrator and starts pleasuring herself. She unzips her suit and asks if you're as excited as she is. She tells you she wants to cum and offers to count down so you can finish together! When the vibrator doesn't stop after you both cum, Space Girl gets surprised and even more worried. Orgasma got what she wanted, so why hasn't she set you free yet!? What's going to happen now? Will you ever escape?
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