Custom request - We live in a society were farming and eating animals for food has been outlawed due to the environmental impacts. To reduce the impact on society and the environment, men are limited to live until the age of 50 free. Once they become 50, they are deemed a burden to the planet and it becomes legal for woman to catch them and eat them. Not all woman want this and most are happily vegan, but a number miss and crave meat, and will do anything for it. They see themselves as predators, and men are just seen as prey. Most men fear this and try to evade being caught and being eaten for a long as possible, but there are a very rare few that find the idea of being eaten by these predator woman as sexy, and secretly look forward to turning 50. There is a law that a man before 50 can sign away their rights at any time to become legal meat to be eaten. This was a law created for if they became injured and unable to feed themselves, or are in too much pain to not want to live, but an even rarer few men can not hold back their desire to be prey for a woman, and volunteer by signing their rights away. You are under 50, and I have my sights on you. Can I convince you to sign your life away to me?
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