oct 25, 2024Stream and Download772.94 MB08m58sHD

"Remember when you used to be my boyfriend? That was a long time ago, wasn't it! Now you're just my baby. It's all bottles, playpens, and diapers for you ever since I discovered your little secret. Once I found out about your diaper fetish, I just could never see you the same way. But I'll always love you - just in more of a little step-brother way now. But you don't mind being kept in diapers forever, do you? I know it's what you want - you love only being allowed to make cummies in your diapers, never feeling the inside of a woman again. It's clear that's what you want - after all, look how hard you are as I change your diaper! I'll cover you in a thick layer of Vaseline and lots of sweet-smelling powder to keep you from getting a rash - I know how fussy you get. Just patting your diaper gets you so huffy - what's the matter, baby? Does somebody need to cum in their diapers? Go ahead, it's okay. As long as you're in your diapers, you can cum as much as you want."

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Do you do any videos where you make the man poop himself in front of you and you just keep saying that I stink a lot is there any videos like that of yours?