"Gems" is an ongoing series featuring Agents that are sent to recover magical gemstones that have special and powerful powers. We begin episode 6 with Valerie, an unlikely hero, visited by the spirit of a legendary sorcerer. The sorcerer guides Valerie into unlocking the powers hidden within her in order to stop Josie once and for all. Valerie uses her new powers to acquire the discarded Gems, then frees Ryan. Ryan battles the mindless Lora in various competitions, while Valerie faces the witch in a magic showdown. Valerie's raw power overcomes Josie's experience, but also proves to be too much for her to handle. Josie takes advantage by transporting her and Valerie to the magic realm, where the two nude spellcasters compel each other to do embarrassing things! With their battle at a standstill, Josie decides to return to Valerie's world and leave Valerie trapped in the magic realm. But Valerie unleashes her full powers, causing Josie to lose hers. Ryan gets revenge by compelling Josie to do many things before turning Josie into a Gem!
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