The dame of dingle dongling lol, Here we blow again on our own, ha! Welcome back freaky friends! Sadly we had to reschedule our interview on The Better Gents show, but we will be there soon! Beyond that, involved roleplays! Sexy livestreams are ongoing improv we tell ya! We get asked how long our tongues are and we answer! Sadly no one voted in our pumpkin quest video, it was 1 & 4! Hot tub high colonic this past weekend, ugh. 48 minutes of Maverick studness! Floor boning in the laundry room by the sauna! Can Mitch’s knees do it? The full story on Sally’s back tattoo, it’s time for Sally history! The queefening! Our AMA on camming is this weekend on SDC! Come tune in! She’s a trans! Single guys continue to not amaze us on SDC.Our friends and fans on there handled it.All that, the stinky starfish and more! Come on iinto our lair! Let’s get those turkeys gobbling! Sally & Mitch “We put the WHAT? in WTF?”
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