Paige is in the hospital. A doctor examines her while her heart is beating irregularly. She is not breathing properly, she feels a weight in her chest. She continues to moan and groan while the doctor continues her examination. Another doctor also enters the room and the situation becomes more and more serious. Paige's heart begins to fibrillate and the girl goes into cardiac arrest. The doctors immediately begin CPR, with chest compressions and AMBU bagging. The maneuvers are interrupted by the defibrillator whose shocks shake Paige's body, but they do not get any response. After several cycles they decide to insert the Guedel to preserve the airways and the CPR resumes. Even more cycles and shocks of the defibrillator and finally Paige's heart starts beating again. But the situation does not return to normal and soon the heart fails again and stops. The girl is then intubated and CPR resumes. Paige's heart goes into asystole and it takes several attempts before the rhythm returns to shockable. After the last shocks the heart returns to its regular rhythm and the girl recovers. CPR, Deep Chest Compressions, Defibrillator, AMBU. Guedel Cannula. Endotracheal Tube. Feet Visible. Full Nude
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