12-3-2024 Toes-ty Tuesday: I got home after work and hanging out for a little on the streets in the city but didn't get much done to me since it has been cold out. I hung out burning my dirty feet with cigarettes but wanted so much more pain. I stapled lit cigarettes to my feet to let them burn down hurting so awesome. The pain was so good. My dirty ashtray feet deserved it so much. #barefoot #barefeet #dirtyfeet #malefeet #barefootguy #barefootboy #barefootinpublic #shirtless #noshoes #noshirt #noshoesnoshirt #shirtlessguy #emo #punk #dirtysoles #malefeet #trash #bdsm #piercings #nipplechains #streetfeet #mohawk #public #publichumiliation #painfreak #branding #humanashtray #spitfeet #pissfeet #footpunishment #foottorture
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