ITALIAN LANGUAGE CUSTOM REQUEST - Here is the plot (you put in the dialogues you think). Scarlet, Dula and Diana return home. Scarlet pulls out the scale and says why don't we weigh ourselves??! You weigh yourselves and say your weight out loud! Scarlet says to Dula, let's try lifting Diana in our arms bride-like! And so they do the test. First Scarlet and then Dula. Then Scarlet seems to get excited and stroking Dula tells her to try lifting Scarlet and Diana at the same time. And so Dula takes Scarlet with her left arm and Diana with her right arm and tries to lift them at the same time. At this point Dula's boyfriend comes in, and Dula put her boyfriend on all fours (pony) and then she says “come on girls let's see if he can hold all three of us, let's all three of us get on the back” and so you all get on the pony's back and lift your boots off the ground and get carried around until the pony collapses. At this point Dula says to the boyfriend “let's see if you are strong” and patting him asks him if from the position (of pony) with Dula and Scarlet on his back he can stand up and do some squats! Boyfriend gets into pony position and Scarlet and Dula get on and he, leaning with his hands somewhere, tries to get on his feet. At this point Dula asks the boyfriend to do the same thing with all three, that is to put himself in the pony position and get all three on his back and try to lift them up to standing and doing squats. He must insist and try several times! (even if he fails the scene will be beautiful, seeing the attempts, hearing the efforts and your comments, besides those written by me, it will be even more beautiful to hear your spontaneous and natural ones as he tries to lift you). Attire: Scarlet : short leather dress (tight on the butt and breasts) and black leather knee-length boots with heels (no wedges and no laces). Dula : as in your video “Double ride in the club” high leather boots with heels (no wedges and no laces). Diana : as Scarlet in the video “Our leather asses drive you crazy” (tight leather pants and over something leather that covers the breasts but highlights the breasts - tight). Footage that follows the scene well, with views from various points during rehearsals. Your natural and spontaneous comments, say what comes to mind at the time. The more natural the video, the more people like it, and don't cut scenes even those that fail. Improvised dialogues and those from the plot that are paced so that the audio comes through well and clear. Possibly the slave lean and strong. Keep in mind that some scenes that may seem very difficult to you are actually doable, and in the case of failure the video is the same much appreciated by lovers of the genre… just don't cut anything.
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