You can see the first part of this family story here: It's been a month since the wedding. We came back from our long-awaited honeymoon on the islands, and life began to settle down gradually. I invited my brother to visit me and we sat down to drink tea and discuss what had happened during the month. Actually not just in a month, I couldn't help but discuss with him what happened at the wedding itself, because we almost got caught. I notice that my brother is very sad, but he won't admit the reasons why. I'm a little anxious about it. My husband interferes in the conversation, he seems to have gone crazy and is jealous of my brother. He is annoyed by my warm and intimate interaction with him. I try not to escalate the conflict and take my husband into the bedroom. But it's the same as always there, quiet calm sex in the dark under a blanket. It's been a long time since I've tried to suggest experiments, new positions, and definitely not - bright lights to my husband. After a while I take a pregnancy test and it....positive. Joy and anxiety are mixed up and I don't know how to react properly. I certainly can't keep it to myself to nicely inform my husband of the pregnancy. I tell it like it is. He's excited. I am excited about this situation and I really want to feel his cock inside me. But I can hardly feel anything again, not his hands or tongue. I forgot myself so much that I just picked up my phone and started texting my brother. Of course, it turned into an argument. And then my husband reminded me that he's too jealous of my brother because of that incident at the wedding when the two of us were missing, and when the wedding ceremony started it wasn't just him us. He suspects me. Of course, a confession was out of the question. I decided to act categorically and decisively. The next time my brother came over, of course I had hot passionate and long awaited sex with him. I hadn't told him I was pregnant. I didn't dare. My brother is the best lover, and losing him is of course a great pain for me. But I started this difficult conversation. I told him that my husband was against our intercourse and suggested more infrequent meetings on neutral territory. But the conversation didn't go according to my plan. He was offended. He's gone. And he didn't say when he was coming over. It's been six months. I'm already deeply pregnant. I have breakfast in the kitchen with my husband and ask him to have sex with me. But he can't. K can fuck his pregnant wife. He is scared and "concerned" about my health. Of course, with my sexual activity, this kind of life is hell. I stay home alone, pull out my favorite toys and have a relaxing time. I'm coming very nicely. And then I hear a loud knock on the door. That's him. That's my brother. Why did he come? Why now? Where was he? And we talked. After we had tender, magical sex. He wants me always, as I want him. And the video he missed. But after that sex came a terrible confession. It was hard for him to say it, as it was for me.
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