I am sitting on the couch and my stepson, you walk into the room. I began to talk to you and I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. You see m a little shorter than usual. Maybe I'm just tired, I've had a long day. I burp accidentally and forget that it turns you on. I agree to continue to burp for you, being seductive, and giving my stepson a hard on. Before no time, I look back and you have completely shrunk down to the size of my fingernail. I told you not to go to that restaurant and eat those burgers. They have something in them that makes people shrink! But you couldn't listen. Could you, now it's time to figure out what to do with you. I eat you of course! After enjoying my stepson, my husband walks on, with the same pov, and I noticed he too is shorter. When will you boys learns? Why can't you just follow orders? I guess I'll just have to eat my husband too!
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