You have been sneaking Mom's pantyhose for weeks to use against your cock for weeks now, whilst you watch your collection of Mommy porn. You are so into the fetish you have started to create deep fakes of your own mother doing dirty nasty things. Your Mom is searching your room whilst your at work and finds the pantyhose covered in cum. She is shocked, but worried and she begins to search your computer. She finds your entire collection. She begins watching one of the clips and finds herself turned on. She begins finger fucking herself and cums hard. She confronts you. Makes you say out loud that you love mommy porn. She orders you to your knees and pushes your head into her crotch. Telling you to sniff the cunt you came from. She rips the pantyhose and gushes all over you face. Frantically you lie down and you begin to fuck hard. She rides you until she cums again and then you take her on her back. She realises half way through your bare cock is inside. For a moment, you think about pulling out, but then she becomes so turned on with the thought of being bred by her son she grinds her hips into you harder and you empty your load into her deeply. Custom video name mentioned throughout. Pantyhose fetish. Use of the word Cunt. Price reflects specifics for custom.
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