Mommy's Vagina - I come home after dinner with your Dad, and I find you in the bedroom. It's time to have that talk I've been postponing for a while. I noticed you stare at me in a different way since you became a teenager. I know you like mommy's looks, you're attracted to mommy and there's no denying it. I am flattered but I know as as Mom, my role is bigger than just to let you look at me when I'm pretty. I decide it's time you learn about Mommy's Vagina. Everything there needs to know, because one day you'll leave home, meet someone, and I need you to know how to handle that person (and her vagina). I strip butt naked in front of you then I move to the bed to show you everything. My pussy lips, my clitoris, my vulva. This presentation has me horny and I need to show you how an orgasm looks like, and how can you achieve it. I'm happy to see how committed you are to this project!
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