I go to your family's Xmas party. I'm having such a good time, and I'm looking forward to trying your mom's famous baklava. Once at the table, and trying it out, I realize it has pistachios in it! I have a nut allergy, but not the normal kind of nut allergy. I start to fart at the dinner table in front of everyone. I try my best to hold them in, but eventually excuse myself with you in tow. I start to freak out how frequent and loud the farts are getting and tell you to distract your family so they won't notice my absence. I fart over and over until I'm doubled over. The smell starts to get overbearing. I have a wild idea to fart directly into the Christmas tree in an attempt to cover the smell. You eventually come back, and I order a ride home. You assure me that I didn't ruin anything, or find me disgusting. Turns out your mom finds me to be a really nice girl. I suppose I really am a nice, but gassy, girl!
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