After almost not quite but very obviously losing my virginity to you, my brother, at the last family gathering… I’ve been struggling to come to terms with how committing that grave sin has changed me. I haven’t talked to you or called since thanksgiving night and I know I can’t avoid you at Christmas so…. I write you a card asking if we can talk. That’s normal, right? I almost chicken out of giving it to you come Christmas Day but I realise how awkward it is when you’re the only one I HAVENT given a card to… so you read it, and I manage to persuade you to sneak upstairs so we can talk. But I don’t know how to tell you that after that night I’ve never been the same. I stumble over my words, get so emotional I almost cry, and scare your pants off when you think I might be pregnant - no! I’d have told you sooner if I was! Though the thought did cross my mind… so we have to wear a condom this time, okay? I want to relive it. I want to relive that day that everything changed forever. We won’t get too carried away again, will we? // Custom creation and sequel to “it’s not the i-word brother” // contains a slow burn storyline, followed my passionate and trying-to-be-quiet missionary, doggy and riding with begging for a creampie - ends with showing off my brothers creation inside me hehehe
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