TWO BARE NAKED HOUSEWIVES DOING YOGA CAN VE VERY DISTRACTING!! ESPECIALLY FOR A YOUNG BOY!!! THE TWO NAKED LATINA HOUSEWIVES MASTURBATE THE CURIOUS YOUNGSTER!!! Two neighborhood Housewives, Mrs. Lopez & Mrs. Caliente are having coffee together. Mrs. Caliente has a laptop computer that needs repairs....and they are waiting for the young boy next door, Johnny to drop by and take a look at it. While they are waiting...the two Housewives decide to do their morning Yoga....NAKED!! Naked Yoga is the best!!! The two Naked Housewives are in the middle of their Naked Yoga, when Johnny arrives. Johnny, of course, is VERY distracted by the site of two NAKED women Yoga!! When the two Women catch him staring at them....they decide to have a little fun with the young boy!! Mrs. Lopez and Mrs. Caliente play with the youngster's hard cock....and masturbate him to a powerful sperm explosion!! Johnny asks the two Women not to tell his Mom....and they ask him not to tell their husbands
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