This is a custom video, no names are used. "I really like your inflation videos, you really get incredibly big in them. Especially the 10 minute challenge video, I just couldn't control myself once you upped the volume!" I really take it up in this video and pop that shower hose right in my ass and try to keep it there with the water volume nice and high! My tummy starts to get full quick and I start to sweat - how in the hell am I going to go for a whopping 15 MINUTES?? I push through though - breathing deeply, walking in the tub, leaning against the wall - I do everything to keep myself from yanking that hose right out of my ass, but I keep going. I even turn up the volume half way through - yes, I am a mad woman! This was BY FAR the most challenging video I've ever done - even more intense than my 10 Minute Enema video! You are going to love how big I get
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