This was a Custom Video request. Zea and I have had several butt and boob wrestling matches now so we thought we'd change it up by adding Strip Wrestling to the mix! We show off our asses and our tits, talking smack as usual. Zea's lost weight but asertains that size matters less than strength in this case. We do a few rounds of butt to butt wrestling on our hands and knees - to win you have to pin the loser with a BUTT TO BUTT pin for count of three! After that we go boob to boob, both standing and on our knees. The objective being to knock the oponent off the matt. As items of clothing come off.. it gets challenging as skin meets shiny yoga pants and we get more and more competitive. The overall loser has to cook the winner whatever they want to eat for dinner. you'll need to buy the video to see who wins! **This video does not contain full nudity
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