Your Valentines day will go one of two sit home alone masturbating to pictures and videos of me or you feel obligated to take you boring gf/wife out to dinner. Let's explore both of these scenarios.... First scenario, you're a fucking LOSER with a tiny dick and no valentines day date. You know there is just no point trying to go out and get laid because its always ended in laughter when you pull down your pants. Your little tiny nub has ruined your valentines day and beyond that your life every day. The only joy and excitement you have now is me. So grab your teeny weeny and fantasize about what Alpha and I are doing....or what he is doing to me......instead of being my actual dinner date, you can be my masterdate and masturbate to me all night long. Second scenario, you take your bitch ass gf/wife out to dinner. During some painfully boring chit chat you catch yourself visualizing my face across from the table, your little pecker is starting to throb, in your mind I'm wearing a tight little red dress, tits popping out, no panties, dripping wet pussy......then reality comes back into focus and there's your wife, yapping away. The sad thing is even she won't fuck you on Valentines day. She hates your tiny cock and is probably fantasizing about your hot waiter. But even so, you will come back home and flop your loser self in front of your laptop, whip out your mini member and masturbate to me
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