Can you tell how much this barely legal teen loves to worship cock? Roxy's been raised to understand what her mouth is for. She honed her skills by sucking her step-father's cock every day after school. Her real father left before she was born and her mother struggled as a single parent. They were destitute, so when a man who made reliable money showed interest, Mother decided she'd do whatever it took to keep him happy. Mom had noticed the way her new husband looking at Roxy when he thought nobody was watching, so she devised a plan to ensure he'd never leave. Mother announced they were going to start a brand new family tradition, and she called it Stepfather appreciation night. The man of the house was already relaxing in his LaZ-boy chair when Mom kneeled on the floor beside his outstretched legs. She casually unfastened his pants, reached into his boxers with her hand and pulled out step-father's cock. It was the first time little Roxy had seen a grown man's penis and her heart raced at the sight of it. Roxy watched as her mother took her step-father's cock into her mouth while strangely slurping on it like it was her favorite treat. Mother was smiling and calm, she made everything seem natural and no big deal. Roxy just assumed it's what every family does together. This is what having a father must be like she thought, becoming curious and watching very intently. The way Mom was making stepfather feel seemed like magic! She had his full attention and he was so happy he'd probably give her anything she wanted. Roxy got closer and knelt down on the opposite side. Her Mother smiled at her reassuringly, letting her know that everything's alright. Would you like to have a try Roxy? It's always lots of fun making stepdad get all excited like this. I know you'll be so good at it too! I bet you'll drive your stepfather so crazy, you'll make him pop his top like a bottle of soda! Unless of course, I make him pop first! Rovy responded by extending her little hand timidly towards her stepfather's cock, Her fingertips felt his warmth and she froze for just a moment. It felt like her heart had skipped a beat. Mom reassured her that it's alright and that she's doing good and the encouragement allowed her to keep going. Gingerly Roxy wrapped both hands around stepfather's penis. The skin felt much softer than she imagined it would. She liked the way it felt in her hand, and the way its round head was glistening because it reminded her of a delicious shiny red apple. Her heart fluttered as she parted her lips and slowly began to draw closer. Then unexpectedly she was stirred by something powerful. As she breathed in, her nostrils could smell the unforgettable musk that wafted from the grown man she held erect in her hands. The smell of her stepfather's cock was flooding her head. She felt herself perspire and it felt like her temperature was getting hotter but instead of uncomfortable, it made her excited and her heart raced as the warmth spread between her legs. Mother could see that her daughter had begun showing signs of sexual arousal as her skin flushed and pupils dilated looking mesmerized and slack-jawed while gripping stepfather's cock tightly in her tiny hands. She could tell her daughter didn't need to understand what she was feeling to know she liked it and didn't want it to stop. So she grabbed her daughter's attention. She opened up wide and slid down stepfather's cock, taking it and her daughter's hands into her mouth. The warm wet feeling caused Roxy to make an excited squeal. Now your turn, just like that, Mother encouraged. Let's see who can make your stepfather go pop. Roxy played this game with her mother every night until she was able to do it all by her self. She had loved making her stepfather happy and now she loves making her boyfriend happy too. Making her man cum in her mouth is how Roxy knows she's being a Good Girl. So be truthful now, wouldn't you love to be with a girl like Roxy? She believes she's had a beautiful upbringing as part of a loving family that's far closer than the kind of family her friends grew up with. Taboo, absolutely. But wrong? I'm not so certain about that
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