With Dakota Charms! I rack the balls for a billiard game and practice putting them in the holes. Leaning over the table to get the right position, I finally climb on top and get in doggy position with downblouse peaks. That's when I notice you. You're so small and stuck in gum on the table. It would be so easy to crush you with a ball. Let's have some fun and see if this ball squashes you when I hit it in your direction. Pulling you out of the sticky goo, I put you on the table so I can have a better angle to get you into the corner pocket. I hear your bones crush and that ends the game. Time to clean up your body! OTHER KEYWORDS- mean giantess, amazons, crush, games, pool, billiards,challenges, down blouse, downblouse, short shorts, stuck fetish, bratgirls, brunettes, #Giantess #FemaleDomination #FemdomPOV #Femdom #Bratgirls @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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