This was from a NON-Exclusive Custom Video, NO names are mentioned: The request was that I pop a bunch of balloons in the living room and the bathtub while wearing a wet suit (full suit including gloves and wet suit socks) and a gas mask. The story outline is that I had a great party last night and now I have to clean up! The only problem is that I'm terrified of my skin getting snapped by the balloons and also that I cant stand the balloon gas from the store. But, the cleanup must go on! So I put on a wet suit, gloves and socks and strap on a gas mask and get to popping! The video begins with me fully nude in front of a couch full of balloons. I explain to you that I had a party last night and now its time to clean up. I'm too scared to pop the balloons without full protection so I need to be fully covered, from head to toe. I put my wet suit, socks, gloves and mask on, including the cartridges and then I begin. I start in the living room. I attempt to pop a couple using my gloved hands but cant seem to make it happen, so I sit to pop the majority of the balloons in the living room with a few foot pops here and there. Then, we move to the bathroom where my big tub is full of a bunch of 12 inch balloons along with some massive clear balloons. This time, I do some pin popping. I climb into the tub and get to work, starting with one of the huge balloons and then work my way through each 12 inch until all that's left is one last big clear balloon. I burst him with excitement! The video ends with me sitting on the edge of the tub, waving away all the balloon gasses and shows me pull my suit down to expose my breasts before the video ends. I had an absolute blast filming this video and the wet suit, mask and balloon combo is something that I hope to make more of as it was quite pretty!
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