We can talk here. Tell me again. So, you had information about weird experiences taking place in this Asylum. Then you sneak into disguised as a patient. I work here for a long time; I have never seen nothing like weird or secret experiences. I noticed, as I told you, that some patients disappeared overnight. But I know every room here. How is it possible that they hide these things from us? Oh, did you find a secret passage?! Where? Can you show me?...(minuts later).you are waking up already. I barely had time to bring you here and tie you up. Lucky me I knew all about the secret passage. I have to shave your head a little better. now a little incision...electrodes... No, don't worry, I will not pacify you again. Now you are ready. Let's give you the first charge to make the dru*g really kick in. Ready, dear? Look at me. I'm your Nurse. I'll take care of you. You want me to take care of you. You want my warm skin, my hot body, my silky whisper. You love to hear my whisper telling you how sexy I'm. You want to feel my body over you. Look at my body. So deviously perfect. Look at me swaying my curve. You want me to ride you. You want me to climb up you and ride you like Fell me ride your cock up and down. Sliding soo deep. You love it. You’re going crazy. So aroused. My tits so round over your head. You wanna suck it. My hips so luscious go ing round and round. You’re going crazy. So aroused. Getting closer and closer to cum. On the brink. On the edge. Are ready? Are you about cum, now? BUT YOU CAN'T! You don't decide. You're just a toy. Your body is tied up. Your mind is tied up. You are Nurse’s poor boy. You won’t decide. You’re just a toy. Your Nurse is all the women in your head. There's no other body for you but your Nurse's hot body. There's no other tits for you but your Nurse's amazing tits. There's no other ass for you but your Nurse's delicious ass. There's nothing in the world but your Nurse's beautiful face. Only the nurse knows what is better for you. You have to listen to the nurse. You love to listen to the nurse. You must obey the nurse. You love to obey the nurse. Are you gonna be a good boy for your Nurse? Yes? Repeat: I’m gonna be a good boy for my Nurse. Repeat. Again! Again as I fry your b rain! WELCOME TO THE ASYLUM
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