The hungry giantess sees you, her target. You are the helpless grapefruit she lusts for. Her lips quiver with desire. She licks her perfect incisors, and pouty lips with anticipation of her meal, YOU! She shows you the mandibles with which she intends to use to masticate you. Demonstrates how easily it will be to consume you with her long tongue, and her dangerous tools built for cutting and shredding you apart. She drools with anticipation. Then suddenly, as soon as your eyes can focus on her, she has you in her grasp. She prepares her blade with her saliva before slicing into you. She teases you first with the sharp knife, then she stabs though your soft flesh. She licks your juices off the blade before she licks your wound she has created. She tears you in half while she licks your now exposed flesh. Beginning with your lower half, she reaches inside you with her fingers, and with disgust she pulls out the parts she fins inedible and casts them aside. She opens a jar of sweet honey to pour all over you, because you are much too bitter to consume alone. Then she viciously slices you into sections, and scoops out your flesh with a spoon! How painful! How are you still alive? She squeezes every last drop of life fluid from one half of your body, and it from her bowl. Now, the other half of you will begin to suffer as the first half. As before, she pics out the parts of you she cannot eat. She even spits some of them in your face! The drizzles honey all over you, licking the excess from the spoon with delight. Then she begins to cut you into edible sections. You manage to spit right into her eye in protest! This only makes her very angry! She begins to scoop out your flesh with furry in her eyes. She squeezes your life fluids directly into her mouth, and sucks every last drop out of you, yet you continue to live! This isn't enough to satiate her anger. She begins to tear apart your remaining pith and skin with her perfect teeth until you lay waste before her. "That'll teach you to squirt in my eye!" Then she takes two last bites out of you, and with that, it's lights out for you.
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