With Dakota Charms! I sneeze over all of the candy and you should give the sweets because of my germs. You can't call the cops because I cast a shrinking spell on you. You're going to get smaller while I look larger and I can control your helpless body. I could squash your puny body like a gumdrop. Or I could put you over a candle flame and burn your body to a crisp. My sock clad feet could crush your tiny bones. It doesn't matter what you want because you're going to be my elf on the shelf and I will cook your carcass into gingerbread cookies at Christmas. Nobody will know if you're gone. Let's turn you into a lollipop so I can slowly lick you while eating your body. OTHER KEYWORDS- shrinking fetish, amazons, magic control, erotic magic, transformation fantasy, transformation fantasies, transformation fetish, femdom pov, female supremacy, bratgirls, femdom brat, brunettes, dark hair, big butts, big booty, white booty, whooty, #Giantess #FemaleDomination #Domination #BratGirls #Femdom @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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