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fakeannalee avatar

Yorkshire birds do it better.

August 22

Comments (19)

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Please dm for a solo roleplay idea babe x
Hey, sent a message with a question regarding customs!
Hello love. I have some questions about your custom videos. Can you send me a message?
Pls dm me if you're still doing customs anna!
MC BEE @MC BEE2 years ago
Hey Annalee, HRU?  Hope All is Fine and Healthy.  Please Contact me for a Custom Video Request!  Thanks.  Greets Stephan
Hey there, I have an idea for a custom video and would like to discuss it with you in DM's.
Harvlfc @Harvlfc4 years ago
Hey Anna! Could you please message me regarding a custom? Thanks :)
Hey Annalee, wondering if you could please message to discuss a potential custom. thanks
Hi Annalee! Please could you message me about a custom? Thanks!
Hi, can you message me so we can talk about a custom vid please