Dear Vagina-Happy Casey, would you like to create yourself some excitement & joy by:
1. "Vaginal Weight Lifting" to show your pelvic muscle strenght?
With weights, fixed at the string of a yoni-egg/ kegel-ball.
Like TatyanaKozhevnikova and Kim Anami could lift nearly
15kg after intense Kegel training!
2. Different thrust rhythms? (not only boring in-and-out)
e.g. 3xslow thrusts, always followed by 1x fast thrust
e.g. 3x half-deep thrusts, always followed by 1x ball-deep thrust
e.g. 3x slow +half-deep thrusts, alwaysfollowed by 1xfast + ball-deep thrust
e.g. a thrust countdown:
9x slow thrusts followed by 1x fast thrust
8x slow thrusts followed by 2x fast thrust
7x ...
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