Comments (84)

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elshiv @elshiv24 days ago
Hi, big fan of your content, I was looking to order a custom vid, could you shoot me a message when you get the chance so we can go over the details and see if its something you'd be comfortable doing? Thanks!
Hey CallMeBabyBlue! New fan. Interested in ordering a custom. If you're still making videos, can you message me? Looking for a couple of 10-15 minute taboo boygirl video. Thanks!
Hi there, I would love to order a custom vid. Please let me know if you're currently taking commissions! Thx
Hi can you message me about a custom?
Hi will you do a custom please?
Salut! Est-ce que je peux t'envoyer un message pour une vidéo?
Hi, Could you message me please about a custom? Would love for you to make one!
Hi can we discuss a custom :)
Hi can u pls pm about a custom?
Hey, can you please dm me about a custom video? thank you x