Are you really an incel, bitch? I mean, yes, obviously you're a pathetic, sexless loser, but is it really...inv0luntary? Is there really absolutely nothing you could do to make yourself more appealing to Women? Deep down, do you truly believe all the propaganda your little incel buddies spread about Chads and Stacys? I don't think you do. I think you tell yourself it's true to avoid having to take personal responsibility. Blaming Women and society is a whole lot easier, isn't it? So really...your celibacy is entirely voluntary. And sure, you already knew that, but it won't stop you from hate-jerking your way through My verbal ego evisceration, because incel or volcel, you can't resist the urge to keep paying Me. The viewer is assumed to be a man. Follow Me on Twitter @AllForArelia.
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