I, your older sister's friend, accidentally enter your room in search of the bathroom. You tell me that your sister is in charge while your parents are gone and she grounded you. After being captivated by your scent, stealing sniffs and a lick in an awkward, entranced moment, I offer to sneak you out to a party via vore. After some convincing you hesitantly agree, and we go on our way after I gulp you down. At the party, I dance and burp nonchalantly paying little mind to my enlarged belly. After a while I decide to make out with a girlfriend of mine (viewer takes girlfriend's POV for this). I explain away my big belly and then burp out a sock right in her face before brushing it off. Next, I am dancing alone again when you tell me that it's getting uncomfortable in my belly and you'd like out. I begrudgingly locate you in my belly and attempt to burp you out, but I am only able to produce your wet clothes. Looks like we'll have to let you out the other way. I find an empty room, pull down my pants, and release you with some (fake) farting noises*. Time to get you home. *this final scene starts with 3rd person normal view as I walk in, pull down my pants, and squat. It then takes on 3rd person from below me to repeat the pulling pants down and squatting. Next it shows me squatting, struggling, and (fake) farting from the original 3rd person view. Finally, it becomes first person POV and appears to emerge from my ass with another fart. All farts are edited in. Royalty free music used: Yshwa- "Battle Rappers" Cullah- "Soul Hip Hop" Yshwa- "Dope Man" K.I.R.K.- "Don't Go"
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