I am in management at a large corporation and you are my tiny female employee. I've called you into a meeting with me to let you know that your team (of all female tinies) is exceeding your goals! The numbers are amazing thanks to you ladies. Now that we have reached our quarterly goals, I've decided to celebrate by eating your team alive. I expose my bloated belly to you as I explain that all of your tiny coworkers are churning in my gut already. You're the last one standing... for now. They're mewling and struggling, a compressed mass of nude girls. I had to remove their clothes for digestion. I show you the pile of their clothing before tossing it to the floor before removing my own clothing. I am STUFFED and they are slowly digesting alive, and likely will be for the entirety of the night. They didn't want this... they had dreams, ambition... but now, they will become my waste. I show you my winking asshole as I explain this. I show you my bloated belly again, which is where you'll be going soon. The other tinies in my belly hear this and protest. There is no more room in there, and when you enter they will be that much more cramped. You'll just have to squeeze your way in. I tell you to strip and then I scoop you up, holding you high above my head. You were such a hardworking employee, but tinies belong in bellies! This is what's good for the company- cutting positions will improve the numbers even more. I tel you to have fun becoming my waste before I lower you down into my pulsing throat. You yell out for me to wait, and beg to see the journey again in a desperate bid for time. I laugh and agree, although I do find it strange. I set you back down and tell you once more how you'll be eaten alive, sent into my tightly packed belly full of all those other tiny bodies, how you'll churn in my gut, slowly digesting for the rest of the day and night, and how by tomorrow you will all become my morning dump. I pick you up once more and drop you in my mouth. 3rd person POV: I swirl my tongue around inside of my mouth, really savoring you. I swallow you down, but you get stuck at the entrance to my stomach because my belly is so full. I gyrate my hips in order to squeeze you in. Finally you enter, and I am completely stuffed to the brim. The tinies are thrashing in my belly, unhappy with the lack of space. So sad, they really did work very hard and generate a lot of profit. But this is all they get... an agonizing digestion. I roll my belly and feel them panic.
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