Asia finds herself in a small clinic. She is sick, she feels a weight in her chest, she is struggling to breathe. The doctor realizes that she has an atrial fibrillation and her heart beats very irregularly. She then decides to try a cardioversion and places the AED paddles on her chest. She gives several shocks, amid the girl's moans, until Asia goes into cardiac arrest. The doctor begins CPR, with chest compressions and MTM. After several cycles of other shocks with the defibrillator, but gets no response so she starts CPR again. Still more unsuccessful holds and decides to intubate the girl. The endotracheal tube is positioned and resuscitation continues. Chest compressions and AMBU bagging are alternated with the defibrillator, which shakes the girl's body. There are numerous attempts, but Asia eventually recovers and is extubated. CPR, Chest Compressions, Defibrillator, AED, MTM, AMBU. Endotracheal Tube. Feet Visible. Completely Naked
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