With Dakota Charms! You're so annoying when you stare at my feet. It's weird. Go away. I'm not changing your diaper because you have the smallest dick in the world. You want me to rub my big toe on your little penis? I don't know what you did in that nappie. Are you really rubbing your peepee over your diaper to my new sandals? Fine, rub that nub but you will never have these gorgeous feet around your micropenis. I'm better than you, loser. I may stomp on it when I'm changing that dirty diaper. I could squash your tiny junk and that makes you jerk off harder. How many pumps does it take to make you cum? Does it take less time because you're clitty is so pathetic? I want to see you cum in your diapee. Do you need me to change you because you made a mess? Too bad! You have to wear a dirty cum diaper all day. OTHER KEYWORDS-small penis humiliation, small penis encouragement, SPE, age play, ABDL, diaper humiliation, sandals, shoe fetish, foot fetish, foot domination, foot humiliation, foot worship, masturbation encouragement, masturbation humiliation, jerk off encouragement, jerk off instruction, joi, verbal humiliation, female domination, femdom, femdom pov, female supremacy, babysitter fetish, babysitters, brat girls, bratgirls, brunettes, #SPH #AgeRegression #DiaperFetish #MasturbationInstruction #Humiliation @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a i l dot com
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